Moonglow have been producing this large 10mm diameter lumi green attractor since early 2019, mainly on request for keen specemin hunters. We have now decided to bring them to the market due to their growing popularity.
**now extensively used by guides - David Wood-Brignall in bodo, Ross Jhonson with Sportsquest holidays and now they will be stocked in the nordic sports fishing shop in skarnsundet! What to know how well these perform? Take note from these guys who are paid to put people on the fish!**
The large 10mm diameter is designed for large predators and heavy traces. Tried and tested in Norway accounting for big cod, ling, coalfish and more spurdogs than I thought was possible. In the UK they have proved themselves for tope, congers and most of all huss. On a few occasions I have had huss find my bait within 3 minutes, obviously feeding on sight. In one match accounting for 2 match winning huss, only another 1 was caught out of more than 130 anglers!
As its moonglow I dont need to tell you how well these glow.
10 pieces per pack in 2 lengths
10mm x 10mm
10mm x 20mm
Custom colours and lengths avaliable on request. Contact us.